Dairy Free Pizza Without Cheese

Looking for a dairy free pizza? To some people, cheese is the best part of a pizza with its stringiness and gooeyness. However, those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy or just avoid diary as a personal preference have another option. You can order your...

Southington Pizza Near Me

Looking for some Southington pizza to top off your fun filled weekend? There are many fun and exciting things to do in Southington and its surrounding towns. Domenic’s and Vinnie’s restaurant is a quick drive to many local events and landmarks near Southington...
Clam + Pizza = A Delicious Pizza Pairing

Clam + Pizza = A Delicious Pizza Pairing

Have you ever tried clam pizza? If you live in the Northeastern region of the United States, you know that seafood is a part of our culinary identity. If you want to experience seafood on your pizza you can order a clam pizza at Domenic’s &  Vinnie’s. ...

The Best Pizza Toppings

The best pizza toppings can enhance your pizza in a number of ways.  You can customize your delicious pizza with whatever topping you are in the mood for. Some toppings are more popular than others and some pizza topping choices are a point of contention amongst...

Types of Pizza Slices

Pizza slices come in all shapes and sizes. There are typically two shapes of pizza slices you can get at a pizzeria. Triangles or squares.  Does the shape of the slice change the flavor of a pizza? No. But there are several pros and cons to each shape. The triangle...